Hank330 note. This is a 2/25/08 email from MaryGrace to me. It gives insight and I believe it adds to this Blog. s/hank330
Dear Hank , God does work in mysterious ways. I have tried to become an advocate for Alzh and help others to understand the disease and some of what a person who has it goes through. Its been a very rough year for my family and me , in coming to terms with this and facing it. I've never been one to run away from a problem, so I 've tried to face it head on and do what I can to help those who have it and the caregivers too. Being a nurse has had its advantages , as I have taken care of people who had it , plus my grandpa Sam had it . I was 15 when he died , and saw what he went through, as the stages progressed. Its truley a sobering life expierence. Back then they called it senilety. (senile)... His son, my unlce Joe had it and Joes son had it. It skipped my mother , Sams daughter. but unfortunately not me. There is a genetic factor involved in my family. I 'd be gald to work with you on this project . Its worth while and something thats ongoing . There is a stigma attached to it . I find many Doctors don't do as much as they could to help the one who has it. Its basically a death sentence! I am in remission right now and savor this precious time I have control of my mind. Yes,, i'd be glad to work with yuo on this .. I do get overwhelmed easily and try to approach things as I feel i can. Right now I'm in a pretty good place mentally, tho I have had a few set backs. I try not to be too hard on myself when those occur. I used to go to pieces when I'd forget things . I handle it much better now. There are a lot of people who have this and more are getting it. Its scarey. I have a few theroies. i just signed you up to receive the Alzheimers weekly news letter. I beleive Arts wife has it . i didn't mention I had it to him. As for the poetry book . I need to put it on the back burner. I'm not ready too tackle it . My husband has been so very sick , and he's not well yet. Its ongoing with him , but at least keeps me focused on him and dealing with his illness. They still are not quite sure what it is. He's gone down hill some. I was in an Alzh chat group for a while helping care givers to be more understanding of their loved ones who are afflicted. Its hard on all concerned. Yes ,, i will work with you on this., and I guess you can go through it with me as it does progress. Its a wonderful idea.!!! I posted some on AD but I didn't want to cram it down everyones throat. My writings have been sporadic, but I have tried to make them interesting.... Mary

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