Thursday, July 10, 2008
To Readers of MaryGrace
Dear Readers, Thank you for reading MaryGrace. Readers are encouraged to make comments. This blog is a conversation, and the more postings and readers who share by making comments the better the blog is for everyone. So please hit the comment button at the end of each post and tell us about yourself, make comments and share information. Thanks, hank330
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Alzheimers -- Helpful website links
These sites offer a lot of good information about Alzheimers, including research, clinical trails, updates, tests medications and current findings. Many give other web sites for self help.
www.alz.org offers a wide variety
of info, support, medications and
general interest articles
gives info about Alzh, news updates
from the Mayo Clinic and other places
ADEAR provides information on
age related cognative changes
and neurodegenerative diseases
Includes 27 institutes
and centers conducting& supporting
research, causes treatments ,cures
A must read aritcle
about the possibility of reducing
the risk of getting Alzh. by 55%
One of the best sites to gain info
and updates
www.Epic4 health.com
A recent study shows 60% lower risk
of Alzh withOmega 3 diet.
A personal sharing of my life
and living with Alzh., also
updates on medications and vitamins
An online journal by Mary Canada,
who has lived with Alzh for 2&1/2 yrs
www.alz.org offers a wide variety
of info, support, medications and
general interest articles
gives info about Alzh, news updates
from the Mayo Clinic and other places
ADEAR provides information on
age related cognative changes
and neurodegenerative diseases
Includes 27 institutes
and centers conducting& supporting
research, causes treatments ,cures
A must read aritcle
about the possibility of reducing
the risk of getting Alzh. by 55%
One of the best sites to gain info
and updates
www.Epic4 health.com
A recent study shows 60% lower risk
of Alzh withOmega 3 diet.
A personal sharing of my life
and living with Alzh., also
updates on medications and vitamins
An online journal by Mary Canada,
who has lived with Alzh for 2&1/2 yrs
Sunday, July 6, 2008
July 5,2008 Update. Good news
A personal sharing of what I have been through this last year. Some of you Know I have Alzheimers ,as you have read my writings on the den .
Over a year ago, I was diagnoised with Alzheimers. I had been having memory lapses, fragmented thoughts, misplacing things. I'd forget words in the middle of a sentence. It was hard to seperate things in my mind. Someone had to be in the car when I drove, so I wouldn't get lost. It was a time of turmoil, hoplessness and frustration, as I tried to come to terms with the diagnosis and facing the eventuality of my death in a most unpleasent way.
I had seen my grandpa and uncle die from it. I had cared for people with it and watched as they were slowly robbed of their mind and ability to function. I saw familes torn apart, as their loved ones stared unknowingly at them, succumbing in increments to the fatal disease.
This is my fate, reality!! I had to face it. I couldn't run away from what was happening to me.
With the help of Exelon and Namenda, folate and hurpazine, plus many vitamins, the disease has been slowed down.
They have not found a cure yet. Studies are being conducted world wide. Some break throughs have been made, but much more needs to be done to stop this devasting illness.
Alzheimers is now the sixth leading cause of death and the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. Over five and a half million people have it, and its attacking people in their thirties, forties, ect. Its no longer a disease of the elderly.
Each day I live has become more precious! I value life more and look at things differently than I used to.
I marvel at the ability to remember , to be able to talk normally, share my writings and feeling with others.
My Lord has been gracious in the extra time and gifts he has given me. I am true ly grateful!
Over a year ago, I was diagnoised with Alzheimers. I had been having memory lapses, fragmented thoughts, misplacing things. I'd forget words in the middle of a sentence. It was hard to seperate things in my mind. Someone had to be in the car when I drove, so I wouldn't get lost. It was a time of turmoil, hoplessness and frustration, as I tried to come to terms with the diagnosis and facing the eventuality of my death in a most unpleasent way.
I had seen my grandpa and uncle die from it. I had cared for people with it and watched as they were slowly robbed of their mind and ability to function. I saw familes torn apart, as their loved ones stared unknowingly at them, succumbing in increments to the fatal disease.
This is my fate, reality!! I had to face it. I couldn't run away from what was happening to me.
With the help of Exelon and Namenda, folate and hurpazine, plus many vitamins, the disease has been slowed down.
They have not found a cure yet. Studies are being conducted world wide. Some break throughs have been made, but much more needs to be done to stop this devasting illness.
Alzheimers is now the sixth leading cause of death and the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. Over five and a half million people have it, and its attacking people in their thirties, forties, ect. Its no longer a disease of the elderly.
Each day I live has become more precious! I value life more and look at things differently than I used to.
I marvel at the ability to remember , to be able to talk normally, share my writings and feeling with others.
My Lord has been gracious in the extra time and gifts he has given me. I am true ly grateful!
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