The Will To Go On
by MaryGrace Patterson
Monday, January 12, 2009
Rated "G" by the Author.
Thoughts and feelings about living life and coping with difficult heart rendering problems
Life can be hard and cruel sometimes.
Some say its fate or predestined. Its hard to say what it is, but it happens and we must deal with what ever it is in one way or another.
Each person is unique and has a different coping mechanism. Its how we preceive it and strive to handle the problems that makes a big difference.
We can seek advice, help, inspiration and guidence. One can get counseling , join group therapy or talk with their minister or family members. Some may want to be alone and try to work it out them selves.
I personally believe there is a much higher power who is there to help and guide us if we will just open our hearts and minds to his love and divine presence.
Many times I have felt like giving up as insurmountable obstacles have occured in my life. Sometimes I felt I couldn't go on and death would be better than life. Yet something always stopped me and gave me the will to go on and keep trying .
I firmly believe I am here today , because of my faith and love of God.
My family has many more problems and illness ahead of them and some how we will ALL get through it with our Lords help.
He instills the will to go on with in us. We know in our hearts, a new and better place awaits in his glorious kingdom.

Monday, January 12, 2009
Saturday, November 22, 2008
MaryGrace and Richard
Facing Alzheimers Together
by MaryGrace Patterson
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Rated "G" by the Author.
Life is not easy when husband and wife both have Alzheimers. Every 72 seconds someone gets Alzheimers.Its progressing at an alarming rate. There is also a genetic factor involved within some families
I was diagnoised with Alzheimers in May 2007. It was a devastating blow to me and my family. I was on an emotional rollar coaster trying to cope with memory loss, new medications
and facing the gradual decline of my mental and physical capabilities.
What a difference a year has made!
My whole outlook on life has changed. I went through the process of anger , denial, frustration, depression. With the help of medications, the disease has been slowed down, and I can remember things much better. I still forget a few things , but I accept the fact that its normal to do so and I don't go to pieces like I once did.
My husband ,Richard, has been having memory problems. He stated he felt like there were blank spaces in his brain. He was having many of the same symptoms I had the previous year.
At the end of August, 2008, his Doctor ordered a PET scan .
The results showed that he has Alzheimers, plus another form of Dementia. The news was overpowering!
He has been quiet and does not discuss it much. He does not want to take medication to help slow it down and had refused too, until a few weeks ago. He has finally started taking Exelon 1.5mg once a day. He needs to take it twice daily , plus start on Namenda. The doseage increases monthly until a certain dose amount is reached. I'm trying not to push him too much. I just don't understand why he doesn't want to help himself !
We're a married couple who have been through so much together. We've always been open and able to talk about things and now he's shutting me out!
I realize he needs time to adjust and cope with the diagnosis. He has Lupus and a metal aortic valve which was put in ,in 1984, plus a few other medical problems. He states Alzheimers won't kill him , something else will.
That might be true , one never knows what's ahead, but that's no reason not to take his medication. I feel he's not accepting it, and perhaps is withdrawing so he doesn't have to face it.
It's real and it affects both him and me. He's placing more of a burden on me and I worry about him. The changes in him are suttle, but I see a small decline in cognative thoughts. He also gets angry quicker, then it subsides.
Our lives are changing more and more, and I feel helpless to stop what's happeneing!
He will be seeing his Doctor soon, perhaps she can talk with him and help in some way.
Please keep us in your prayers.
My husband saw the Doctor on Nov 5. She talked with him and he is now using the Exelon patch. He will start on Namenda in Dec. Miracles do happen! Thanks for all your prayers and support!
God bless all of you! MaryGrace
by MaryGrace Patterson
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Rated "G" by the Author.
Life is not easy when husband and wife both have Alzheimers. Every 72 seconds someone gets Alzheimers.Its progressing at an alarming rate. There is also a genetic factor involved within some families
I was diagnoised with Alzheimers in May 2007. It was a devastating blow to me and my family. I was on an emotional rollar coaster trying to cope with memory loss, new medications
and facing the gradual decline of my mental and physical capabilities.
What a difference a year has made!
My whole outlook on life has changed. I went through the process of anger , denial, frustration, depression. With the help of medications, the disease has been slowed down, and I can remember things much better. I still forget a few things , but I accept the fact that its normal to do so and I don't go to pieces like I once did.
My husband ,Richard, has been having memory problems. He stated he felt like there were blank spaces in his brain. He was having many of the same symptoms I had the previous year.
At the end of August, 2008, his Doctor ordered a PET scan .
The results showed that he has Alzheimers, plus another form of Dementia. The news was overpowering!
He has been quiet and does not discuss it much. He does not want to take medication to help slow it down and had refused too, until a few weeks ago. He has finally started taking Exelon 1.5mg once a day. He needs to take it twice daily , plus start on Namenda. The doseage increases monthly until a certain dose amount is reached. I'm trying not to push him too much. I just don't understand why he doesn't want to help himself !
We're a married couple who have been through so much together. We've always been open and able to talk about things and now he's shutting me out!
I realize he needs time to adjust and cope with the diagnosis. He has Lupus and a metal aortic valve which was put in ,in 1984, plus a few other medical problems. He states Alzheimers won't kill him , something else will.
That might be true , one never knows what's ahead, but that's no reason not to take his medication. I feel he's not accepting it, and perhaps is withdrawing so he doesn't have to face it.
It's real and it affects both him and me. He's placing more of a burden on me and I worry about him. The changes in him are suttle, but I see a small decline in cognative thoughts. He also gets angry quicker, then it subsides.
Our lives are changing more and more, and I feel helpless to stop what's happeneing!
He will be seeing his Doctor soon, perhaps she can talk with him and help in some way.
Please keep us in your prayers.
My husband saw the Doctor on Nov 5. She talked with him and he is now using the Exelon patch. He will start on Namenda in Dec. Miracles do happen! Thanks for all your prayers and support!
God bless all of you! MaryGrace
Thursday, July 10, 2008
To Readers of MaryGrace
Dear Readers, Thank you for reading MaryGrace. Readers are encouraged to make comments. This blog is a conversation, and the more postings and readers who share by making comments the better the blog is for everyone. So please hit the comment button at the end of each post and tell us about yourself, make comments and share information. Thanks, hank330
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Alzheimers -- Helpful website links
These sites offer a lot of good information about Alzheimers, including research, clinical trails, updates, tests medications and current findings. Many give other web sites for self help. offers a wide variety
of info, support, medications and
general interest articles
gives info about Alzh, news updates
from the Mayo Clinic and other places
ADEAR provides information on
age related cognative changes
and neurodegenerative diseases
Includes 27 institutes
and centers conducting& supporting
research, causes treatments ,cures
A must read aritcle
about the possibility of reducing
the risk of getting Alzh. by 55%
One of the best sites to gain info
and updates
A recent study shows 60% lower risk
of Alzh withOmega 3 diet.
A personal sharing of my life
and living with Alzh., also
updates on medications and vitamins
An online journal by Mary Canada,
who has lived with Alzh for 2&1/2 yrs offers a wide variety
of info, support, medications and
general interest articles
gives info about Alzh, news updates
from the Mayo Clinic and other places
ADEAR provides information on
age related cognative changes
and neurodegenerative diseases
Includes 27 institutes
and centers conducting& supporting
research, causes treatments ,cures
A must read aritcle
about the possibility of reducing
the risk of getting Alzh. by 55%
One of the best sites to gain info
and updates
A recent study shows 60% lower risk
of Alzh withOmega 3 diet.
A personal sharing of my life
and living with Alzh., also
updates on medications and vitamins
An online journal by Mary Canada,
who has lived with Alzh for 2&1/2 yrs
Sunday, July 6, 2008
July 5,2008 Update. Good news
A personal sharing of what I have been through this last year. Some of you Know I have Alzheimers ,as you have read my writings on the den .
Over a year ago, I was diagnoised with Alzheimers. I had been having memory lapses, fragmented thoughts, misplacing things. I'd forget words in the middle of a sentence. It was hard to seperate things in my mind. Someone had to be in the car when I drove, so I wouldn't get lost. It was a time of turmoil, hoplessness and frustration, as I tried to come to terms with the diagnosis and facing the eventuality of my death in a most unpleasent way.
I had seen my grandpa and uncle die from it. I had cared for people with it and watched as they were slowly robbed of their mind and ability to function. I saw familes torn apart, as their loved ones stared unknowingly at them, succumbing in increments to the fatal disease.
This is my fate, reality!! I had to face it. I couldn't run away from what was happening to me.
With the help of Exelon and Namenda, folate and hurpazine, plus many vitamins, the disease has been slowed down.
They have not found a cure yet. Studies are being conducted world wide. Some break throughs have been made, but much more needs to be done to stop this devasting illness.
Alzheimers is now the sixth leading cause of death and the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. Over five and a half million people have it, and its attacking people in their thirties, forties, ect. Its no longer a disease of the elderly.
Each day I live has become more precious! I value life more and look at things differently than I used to.
I marvel at the ability to remember , to be able to talk normally, share my writings and feeling with others.
My Lord has been gracious in the extra time and gifts he has given me. I am true ly grateful!
Over a year ago, I was diagnoised with Alzheimers. I had been having memory lapses, fragmented thoughts, misplacing things. I'd forget words in the middle of a sentence. It was hard to seperate things in my mind. Someone had to be in the car when I drove, so I wouldn't get lost. It was a time of turmoil, hoplessness and frustration, as I tried to come to terms with the diagnosis and facing the eventuality of my death in a most unpleasent way.
I had seen my grandpa and uncle die from it. I had cared for people with it and watched as they were slowly robbed of their mind and ability to function. I saw familes torn apart, as their loved ones stared unknowingly at them, succumbing in increments to the fatal disease.
This is my fate, reality!! I had to face it. I couldn't run away from what was happening to me.
With the help of Exelon and Namenda, folate and hurpazine, plus many vitamins, the disease has been slowed down.
They have not found a cure yet. Studies are being conducted world wide. Some break throughs have been made, but much more needs to be done to stop this devasting illness.
Alzheimers is now the sixth leading cause of death and the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. Over five and a half million people have it, and its attacking people in their thirties, forties, ect. Its no longer a disease of the elderly.
Each day I live has become more precious! I value life more and look at things differently than I used to.
I marvel at the ability to remember , to be able to talk normally, share my writings and feeling with others.
My Lord has been gracious in the extra time and gifts he has given me. I am true ly grateful!
Monday, May 26, 2008
May 24, 2008
I am feeling good. the medication is really helping . I just read an article about a chinese club moss. Its hurpizine.. I am taking 50 mcg twice daily.. I am trying to now take 50 mcg more . They say 200 is needed. I have a low tolerance , so if i can get to 150 daily , i will be happy.Some studies have shown it helps delay Alzh for possibly up to 12 yrs. People who take it have better memory function. They mentioned some other things too, but gave no names of anything. I know because I have done a lot of research.. I am qite excited about this. I guess time will tell. I have been writing a lot lately and feel good that I amable to doso. I hope all is well with you...Mary
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thoughts and feelings
I know from personal expierence , that if I can remain calm , and keep my mind busy with Good interesting things , I do better. Once in a while my thoughts get a little scattered, especially if I am under a lot of pressure. The medication definately helps and IS needed to delay the onslought of this disease. I am in a very good place , compared to last year...Last May I had just found out I had this . I was scared , angry , confused and trying to cope . The worst was not being able to control my thoughts. I think it was a combination of the shock of finding out I had this, trying to control my thinking , and the feelings of being inadaquate and out of control. I had bad mood swings. One minute I 'd be ok , then in a flash , I'd be lashing out at some one . I realize now , it was all a part of this. I couldn't adjust , remember. I couldn't stop blank spaces from coming into my brain when I was trying to talk . I was afraid to go places alone , as sometimes I got lost and didn't know which way to go. It was overpowering, shattering to my life . It affected me and those I loved , as they bore the brunt of my wrath at times. I knew I was having these mood swings and told my Doctor. She put me on Prozac 10 mg. daily. It helped to stabliize me . Namenda and Exelon , helped me to return to a fairly normal existance. I looked up information on the internet about vitamins , supplements and and learned more about the disease. I talked with my doctor and began taking vitamins. It was good as I felt I was helping my self and had some input to decisions .
I wanted to turn things around and try to help others , so I began to write about Alzheimers. I have written articles about the disease, poems about my feelings am in a chat group. Now I have blog Provided by my friend, Hank. It has been a rewarding experence . I am a retired nurse . Caring for others has been a life long labor of love.. "Give and ye shall receive". That is what has happened to me. I gave and I have been blessed with the ability to write and share my expierences with others . Perhaps I will help give a better understanding by writing and sharing. I sure hope so!
If you know some one who has this , try to help them by making sure they are on Namenda plus one other drugs ,such as Arceipt , or Exelon., Reminyl. Make sure they are taking vitamins.such as B12 , Folate.. Omega 3..Read to them , provide music, walk, play cards try to be understanding , have patience, and don't argue . STIMULATE THEIR MINDS. You will never what its like to have this, until you are there facing it your self.( I pray that doesn't happen) Find compassion and gain insght about the disease by reading and talking about it with others .. Always remember to try to maintain a good happy world for your loved one who has it. They are the ones who are lost and trying to cope the best they can. They are trying desperately to maintain some sense of control and order in their mind. They are slowly ,silently being robbed of the power to do so. They are dying a little each day.
PLEASE REACH OUT.. Encourage your Doctors to LEARN more about this ,, TALK wth others who have a similar problem and let your loved one know you are there for them...God Bless....MaryGrace
I wanted to turn things around and try to help others , so I began to write about Alzheimers. I have written articles about the disease, poems about my feelings am in a chat group. Now I have blog Provided by my friend, Hank. It has been a rewarding experence . I am a retired nurse . Caring for others has been a life long labor of love.. "Give and ye shall receive". That is what has happened to me. I gave and I have been blessed with the ability to write and share my expierences with others . Perhaps I will help give a better understanding by writing and sharing. I sure hope so!
If you know some one who has this , try to help them by making sure they are on Namenda plus one other drugs ,such as Arceipt , or Exelon., Reminyl. Make sure they are taking vitamins.such as B12 , Folate.. Omega 3..Read to them , provide music, walk, play cards try to be understanding , have patience, and don't argue . STIMULATE THEIR MINDS. You will never what its like to have this, until you are there facing it your self.( I pray that doesn't happen) Find compassion and gain insght about the disease by reading and talking about it with others .. Always remember to try to maintain a good happy world for your loved one who has it. They are the ones who are lost and trying to cope the best they can. They are trying desperately to maintain some sense of control and order in their mind. They are slowly ,silently being robbed of the power to do so. They are dying a little each day.
PLEASE REACH OUT.. Encourage your Doctors to LEARN more about this ,, TALK wth others who have a similar problem and let your loved one know you are there for them...God Bless....MaryGrace
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